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FAIR #1: Find your dataset

April 20, 2023

By Ronald Cornet and Mariska Leeflang

With presentation of Athanasios Angelakis

In this first session in a series of three FAIR tutorials, you will learn about finding data! In three sessions we will discuss the use of freely available datasets, the FAIR-ization of your own data and peer-reviewing each other’s data.

There will be a short introduction of the APH research programs Methodology and Digital Health and an introduction to Open Science, Research Integrity and the role of FAIR data. 

Then, you will learn about data reuse. Fantastic feats and where to find them? And there will be a  success story of a project where open data was used. The second half of the session will focus on: Finding data – looking for free and open (meta)data on the web. Where to search, what information do you need? How does it work, and what can you use the open (meta)data for? How useful are these?

Any suggestions for future tutorial topics?

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